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Hong Kong Coffee

28 March 2011

Taking it easy

After a good nights sleep, I woke up after 6am.
I have decided to take it easy this morning, as I plan to go to Macau on the ferry this afternoon. My goal is to still be in Macau after it gets dark as it seems the kind of place where darkness is important to see all the neon of the casinos.
I did go there on my first visit to Hong Kong, but made the mistake of getting there at 10am in the morning, and by mid afternoon I was hot and bothered and decided to come home. So this time I will go after lunch and the weather is a lot cooler.

This all makes me sound like a complaining child, and its true, I am. Everyone else gets refuelled on beer, and sits and plays blackjack, where as I wander around with no plan until my legs run out of steam.

Hong Kong-Coffee - This mornings walk started by taking the subway to Prince Edward station. This is a building on Nathan road, the main road in Kowloon. Its amazing to

This mornings walk started by taking the subway to Prince Edward station. This is a building on Nathan road, the main road in Kowloon. Its amazing to me at least how there can be shining beacons of modern and next to it buildings like this.

Hong Kong-Coffee - This is looking down on an alleyway. Under neath the sheets of plastic is a lot of fruit stalls etc. No spot in Hong Kong is left unoccupied, I think

This is looking down on an alleyway. Under neath the sheets of plastic is a lot of fruit stalls etc. No spot in Hong Kong is left unoccupied, I think theres more shops than people.

Hong Kong-Coffee - And for breakfast I had an enourmous coffee from Pacific coffee, which is the Hong Kong owned upmarket version of starbucks. This particular one is in

And for breakfast I had an enourmous coffee from Pacific coffee, which is the Hong Kong owned upmarket version of starbucks.
This particular one is in the Mong Kok east station, they have lots of stuff to read.
I saw a chinese baby in here sitting quietly on the floor playing a nintendo ds. He appeared to be about 6 months old.

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